This was a dating blog that has turned into a life blog. I found the man I love while dating and will now see what happens in life.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Combat Confusion

I am completely comfused. FireFighter asked me to go to combat class with him last night. I agreed because I was going to go to the gym anyway and wanted to try out the class. He offered to drive and told me to meet him at his house. This confused me because he lives about a mile away from the gym, why couldn't I meet him there? I just met him at his house like he suggested and when it was time to go we got into his truck. He got on the highway and when I inquired to where we were going he said "Combat class, downtown". All the sudden the light bulb clicked! I was going with him to his Krav Maga combat class! This is where the confusion started to set in. I thought we were done and were just friends or something but now he was taking me to meet people at a place he loves. Crap!

When we got there I was a little nervous because I wasn't sure what to expect. First thing I see upon entering are three men "wrestling" on the floor mat. I gonna have to do that?
FireFighter carefully wrapped my hands and wrists and assisted me with my gloves. We did some basic "slapping" around of each other to warm up. He was obviously much better than I was but it was fun. We were then split into two groups, males and females. I learned some basic moves to help protect myself if ever confronted on the street, kneeing, kicking, elbows, choke holds and punches. After learning the basic moves we had to put our skills to the test. We all got back together and did a "obstacle" course with the skills we learned. Starting out in a choke hold we had to break loose, kick someone in the crotch, then punching, kneeing, kicking the crotch again, and ended with throwing elbows. It was sooo empowering; I love it! Then to end the class we had to do 100 Russians. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's when you sit on the mat with your knees slightly bent and held a few inches off the floor. In your arms you are holding a weight and twist your body back and forth touching the weight on the left side and then moving it to your right side. Ouch! I had so much fun and would love to do it again but don't want to invade his space.

On the way home there was good conversation. He said some things that I was startled to hear but knew he was telling me because he trusted me. When we got back to his house we continued the conversation a little more, I liked the fact that he opening up to me so much but was still confused about my role and what I was supposed to do in response. We decided that we would end the conversation before it got anymore intense and shared other combat, yoga, and pilates moves that we knew. It was fun to show him things that I could do that challenged him and have him show me more things that challenged me. We ended the night with a simple hug and he offered his condolences to my family and our loss.

What now? I will play the Joe Cool card and not read to much into I suppose. One good night doesn't mean anything except I enjoyed the company. We'll see what happens.


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