This was a dating blog that has turned into a life blog. I found the man I love while dating and will now see what happens in life.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Let Me Get You Drunk So You Can Drive Home

FireFighter texted me out of no where on Tuesday. He said he wanted to buy me a drink. Wednesday and Thursday I had presentations to make so this would be a perfect way to put those behind me, so I accepted.

Last night, I met him at Charleston's and we each got a glass of wine (followed by another). There was good conversation and catching up. I did not however let things go when it came to how things ended and asked him what he had been doing for the past month. He had been "talking to people" was his response. Nice. On his facebook (and myspace) it says he is open for "friendship" "dating" or a "serious relationship" and he's on I asked him how important it was to him to find someone since he has those on there all the time. I also asked him if he was really looking for friendship and a relationship or just booty. He laughed it off so I got the answer.

We closed the place down. As we were leaving he asked me if I wanted to go back to his place and keep talking. I agreed, knowing full well, what he probably had in mind. When we got back to his house we listened to some music and he brought me another glass of wine. Yes folks, that's three by this point in time. Things were going great and yes, there was kissing. After a good make out session I decided it was time to go. As he walks me out to the car he says "Are you OK to drive?" I said "Probably not." He said "OK, well, I'll talk to you tomorrow!" Wow! Thanks for caring so much. I drove him. (Don't judge me, I know what I did is wrong.)

Today came and I have been busy with family stuff and cleaning and now that tonight has come I have realized, you guessed it folks, no phone call. You know why? I didn't put out. His evil plan didn't work! Muah ha ha ha ha (said in the most evil voice while laughing and tilting my head back)! And to top it off Chef friend just called and asked me to go with him next Friday to see the Transiberian Orchestra! On the upside, I know Chef doesn't expect me to put out (or even kiss him, that would be weird too) and it'll be a great time. Don't be an ass to me, I can get another date in no time.


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