This was a dating blog that has turned into a life blog. I found the man I love while dating and will now see what happens in life.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

So Far...Not So Good

I am a 27 years old college student and I have been on several dates in the past few weeks, with a bunch of wack-o's to say the least.... A lot of first dates that never lead to anything else by my choice or theirs. I suppose I can give you a brief overview of the most recent dates and what has become of them.

I went on a date with a guy I knew from high school who is now a fire fighter. He invited me to go see Ian Moore with him and some friends. I love Ian Moore and knew that Fire Fighter wasn't a total creep so I went! I drove myself to his house and upon arrival he invited me in to see his place. My first reaction to his place was I was completely overwhelmed by the stench of wet dog! GROSS! Anyone who knows me knows that on top of not being an animal lover I am very against animals in a house...for this very reason! He couldn't find his keys so he was going from one room to the next looking and searching and chit chatting, taking his time while I standing there in the entry trying not to gag and quickly wiping the tears from eyes in case he walked around the corner. He finally found his keys and we were off! When we got to the venue he bought his ticket and stepped aside for me to buy mine. This threw me off but didn't want to seem shocked so I quickly stepped up and bought my ticket. (I was under the impression that when you invite someone to a concert you get the ticket unless previously discussed.) When we were in, we went to the bar to get a drink and you guessed it, I bought my own drinks...all night too! The concert was amazing! After the show he asked if I had my camera, which I didn't, he told me that he was going to meet Ian and I was to stay and sit with his buddy's girl until he got back, all because I didn't have a camera. At this point in time I am annoyed and ready to leave. When he was finished meeting Ian we left. On the way home he had the radio turned up so loud that there was no way to carry on a conversation. When we got to his house , which I didn't dare to enter again, my ears were ringing because the music had been so loud in the truck and I was ready to get home. Aside from the great music at the concert, this date was a bust.



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